Friday, November 27, 2009

My last day in year4

Today was my last day of school. I really enjoyed this year. The camp and the year 4 night out was awesome, because on camp we milked cows, went orienteering, rode horses, played tennis, played hand ball and of course lighted a bonfire. Now that is a lot of stuff. At the year 4 night out we watched charlotte's web, played with glow sticks, ate pudding, and stayed up till nine o'clock. This all happened because of our great teacher mrs M and if your wondering who put up this blog I will just tell you that if you think it is me you are way wrong.

I am just going to tell you that mrs M is the best teacher in the world.

My last imagechef for 2009

Hello, this is the last imagechef that I am going to do this year. hope you enjoy it. It says 'poems are cool'
ImageChef Word Mosaic -

Saturday, October 24, 2009

My reflection

Today I taught my mum how to transfer imagechef to your own blog. She and I thought it was the best thing you could ever do on the computer!!! I taught her how to how to copy a embed code. I did one of my favourite poem which is about dogs.

My poem about dogs Poetry Blender

Thursday, October 22, 2009

My reflection

Today I learnt how to transfer imagechef to your blog. I learnt how to copy a embed code. It was really cool. I published a poem called Rugby and a poem called Frogs. These poems were my best poems.

What you can do on imagechef Poetry Blender

Using a web 2.0 tool Flower Text